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Japanese learning log - Jumping Into The Deep End

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 9:49 am
by sheirena
To start with, an introduction:
I had a vague idea of learning japanese since about 2001, but didn't make much effort and as a result don't have much to show for it - kana, some kanji and vocabulary, basic grammar. I found studing kanji and vocab in isolation demotivating, so it does not stick for a long enough time. And I can't read without them, when I find reading the best method to move forward in language learning, and also my main motivation.
So I decided to just start reading, with a dictionary, though it will be hard and taxing in the beginning.
In here I will log how I will progress this way. I will start with the ピンクとグレー by 加藤シゲアキ.
(I find, when manga will be easier to read, I get distracted by pictures, and the pressure to understand most of the text instead of "just the gist" is lower, cause I understand most of the story just by pictures, so the novel it is).

Re: Japanese learning log - Jumping Into The Deep End

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 6:00 pm
by sheirena
Well, it didn't work, as I got sidetracked by real life, and as result lost my focus and (not motivation, but) drive. I actually tend to get distracted and procastinate, so it's the old story.
Also, family and their problems are very distracting and discouraging as well.

On the lighter note, I found an interesting site some time ago (kanshudo) - for learning kanji, with some words and grammar thrown there as well. Maybe it's because of the novelty, but the format works surprisingly well for me.
Duolingo updated, so my half-way abandoned tree looks somewhat fresh. (Though japanese duo takes more time than effort - in the lessons I got through, and very fast, I meet almost no unfamiliar stuff.)

Also I signed up for the Super Challenge. Thought about Output one, but the year is underway, and I belong to the input first school of learning.