Whodathunkitz log French, Tagalog, Dutch, Cebuano, Spanish, Esperanto

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Green Belt
Posts: 421
Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2016 7:40 pm
Location: UK
Languages: English (N), Cebuano (basic spoken daily, best L2), Spanish (beginner, but can read), Esperanto (beginner and not maintained). Sometimes dabble with Dutch, Serbian, Slovak, Czech, German and Arabic.
Language Log: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5133&start=30
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Re: Whodathunkitz log Cebuano Spanish Esperanto

Postby Whodathunkitz » Sun Mar 19, 2017 11:50 am

Sunday 19th March


Few sentences spoken


Another 100 sentences on 10000 sentences app. 3.5 percent done.

Duolingo 1600+ points for the week. All gold. When i restarted duolingo 13 days ago i was level 11 and am now 14. Duolingo Fluent at 20%.

Some Memrise / wlingua

Some babadum Spanish. Just signed up to website.

500 points. Several modes. Default is text i think. Switched to listening to Spanish, click on picture. So no English at all and no text in any language.

Adds points for right, subtracts for wrong.

Lots of words i didn't know. Fast for vocab, mostly nouns and reasonable number of verbs. Useful as part of the mix. Not sure how many items.

Yesterday I tried to read some Spanish but too loud and chaotic in the house.

Apps let me dip in and out but only take me so far.

Very little active Language use. Almost all passive but I'll let the passive build up so that later work can be easier. Just want to avoid bad habits so i prefer listening based activities on the apps. This will hopefully let me transition to listening/TV native materials. I'd rather know the sound shapes and apply them to the spanish alphabet and sentences later but i probably do too much reading on the apps. Still haven't sorted out prosody sentences as i can only do it at work after hours and it's been hectic recently.

So far...
Junior Masterchef spanish best for family viewing. Maybe history for just me. YouTube or rtve app/website

Downloaded an android app called spanish injection. Done first 20+ of 45 levels.

Quite nice, conversations in a bar. I wonder if there are similar ones a bit like old style adventure choice books eg dungeon and dragon ones.

Or just general apps with spanish version.

I am not sure whether i should switch my phone to Spanish yet. Not sure i have enough vocab. Also sat nav could be a pain

I also downloaded some other spanish Learning apps including podcast aggregator and verb conjugation.

Verbs all text so i will leave until later, concentrating on listening.

Podcasts seem low on content. Any suggestions for spanish? Otherwise I will concentrate on thinking spanish as all audio, mix of English teaching and Spanish.

Started watching some "Spanish Sitcom" and other similar youtube sessions.

Hmm, my Spanish isn't great. Some is fine, much is sounding like a stream of sound.
0 x
2018 Cebuano SuperChallenge 1 May 2018-Dec 2019
: 150 / 600 SC days:
: 6 / 1250 Read (aim daily 2000 words):
: 299 / 9000 Video (aim daily 15 minutes):

Green Belt
Posts: 421
Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2016 7:40 pm
Location: UK
Languages: English (N), Cebuano (basic spoken daily, best L2), Spanish (beginner, but can read), Esperanto (beginner and not maintained). Sometimes dabble with Dutch, Serbian, Slovak, Czech, German and Arabic.
Language Log: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5133&start=30
x 324

Re: Whodathunkitz log Cebuano Spanish Esperanto

Postby Whodathunkitz » Wed Mar 22, 2017 1:24 pm

Mad few days

Monday-Weds 22 nd March 2017


A bit spoken


Duolingo mostly gold, 3-6 levels/skills need regolding every day.

Some soap operas / history /learning spanish videos on youtube

Some trafalgar in the car.

babadum - 2nd or 3rd for Spanish for the week.
0 x
2018 Cebuano SuperChallenge 1 May 2018-Dec 2019
: 150 / 600 SC days:
: 6 / 1250 Read (aim daily 2000 words):
: 299 / 9000 Video (aim daily 15 minutes):

Green Belt
Posts: 421
Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2016 7:40 pm
Location: UK
Languages: English (N), Cebuano (basic spoken daily, best L2), Spanish (beginner, but can read), Esperanto (beginner and not maintained). Sometimes dabble with Dutch, Serbian, Slovak, Czech, German and Arabic.
Language Log: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5133&start=30
x 324

Re: Whodathunkitz log Cebuano Spanish Esperanto

Postby Whodathunkitz » Fri Mar 24, 2017 8:06 am

Thurs 23rd March 2017


Overheard a bit. Few words spoken. Words popping into my head (absent minded / inner dialogue)


Duolingo all gold. Highest in team. 6 to 9 a day. 17 days since i restarted and done 20 pts plus a day. Normally much more.

Some other apps.

50 mins el cid YouTube documentary. Narration plus drama. Quite weird format. Funny, watchable probably 70s. Originally rtve.


5 Duolingo. All gold now. I close my eyes to listen first. I want to concentrate on listening. I understand more during dictation tasks.

25 minute Trafalgar YouTube documentary.

Wondering what DVDs i have with Spanish sound.

Created 3 prosody repetition tracks 50 reps. Pain to get onto my phone.

Did another 15 levels on the 45 level Spanish injection app. Another 10-15 remain. I find it's taxing me in a different way from sentence quizzes perhaps because it appears more real/conversational or because it's picky or light hearted /young language.

60 plus minutes of Spanish audio in car. Trafalgar. Sounds and words more distinct. I even had a few unfamiliar words which i think i could have spelt.
0 x
2018 Cebuano SuperChallenge 1 May 2018-Dec 2019
: 150 / 600 SC days:
: 6 / 1250 Read (aim daily 2000 words):
: 299 / 9000 Video (aim daily 15 minutes):

Green Belt
Posts: 421
Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2016 7:40 pm
Location: UK
Languages: English (N), Cebuano (basic spoken daily, best L2), Spanish (beginner, but can read), Esperanto (beginner and not maintained). Sometimes dabble with Dutch, Serbian, Slovak, Czech, German and Arabic.
Language Log: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5133&start=30
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Re: Whodathunkitz log Cebuano Spanish Esperanto

Postby Whodathunkitz » Sun Mar 26, 2017 9:30 am

Saturday/Sunday 25-26 march 2017


Few words at party and introduced by many as speaking cebuano. I talk to my son in cebuano often and he understands. My wife speaks more complex cebuano now which often has to be rephrased.


Lots of Duolingo not much else.

Something like 15-20 skills needed to be regolded yesterday (Saturday). Did most but not all.

Did a few today (Sunday) 4 more left but some of those might be new today anyway. Update did another 7 maybe. So everything ungolding last few days. Something like 20 days since i restarted duolingo.

Not much time to myself so unable to practice anything else.

Update did some prosody while doing other things.

Last 10 levels of 45 for 'spanish injection' android app.
0 x
2018 Cebuano SuperChallenge 1 May 2018-Dec 2019
: 150 / 600 SC days:
: 6 / 1250 Read (aim daily 2000 words):
: 299 / 9000 Video (aim daily 15 minutes):

Green Belt
Posts: 421
Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2016 7:40 pm
Location: UK
Languages: English (N), Cebuano (basic spoken daily, best L2), Spanish (beginner, but can read), Esperanto (beginner and not maintained). Sometimes dabble with Dutch, Serbian, Slovak, Czech, German and Arabic.
Language Log: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5133&start=30
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Re: Whodathunkitz log Cebuano Spanish Esperanto

Postby Whodathunkitz » Thu Mar 30, 2017 1:12 pm

Monday 27-Thursday 30th march 2017

Not much, some Duolingo each day. But up to 16 levels needing review.

Thursday - 27 needed review. 15 done (gold). 12 left.

Some Memrise.

Tiny bit of wikipedia reading in Spanish. I read the article in Englisha dn then a few paragraphs in Spanish, undertsanding much of it.

Not much in car as I'm travelling at rush hour so not safe having it on.
0 x
2018 Cebuano SuperChallenge 1 May 2018-Dec 2019
: 150 / 600 SC days:
: 6 / 1250 Read (aim daily 2000 words):
: 299 / 9000 Video (aim daily 15 minutes):

Green Belt
Posts: 421
Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2016 7:40 pm
Location: UK
Languages: English (N), Cebuano (basic spoken daily, best L2), Spanish (beginner, but can read), Esperanto (beginner and not maintained). Sometimes dabble with Dutch, Serbian, Slovak, Czech, German and Arabic.
Language Log: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5133&start=30
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Re: Whodathunkitz log Cebuano Spanish Esperanto

Postby Whodathunkitz » Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:05 am


Very little, only with wife and child sometimes. Some speaking and automatic thinking. Maybe some on Sunday meeting friends.


Friday can't remember.

I think i must have done a load of Duolingo.

Sat 1april.

Duolingo settled down to 6 levels need Golding.

Some YouTube. Rtve junior Masterchef, language learning approaches, Khan academy spanish basic maths for kiddy as he's into numbers now.

Understanding more on videos. Sounds, words, expressions. Still a long way to go. Without trying i think my pronounciation is better.

Wife using spanish numbers when playing duck duck goose games with kiddy.

Sunday 2nd.

Some ceb later maybe.

Couple of hours, maybe more from these people https://youtu.be/b7gDeqRXCeU

Watched 1 to 5 already.

Only four duolingo levels to make gold and get to level 15. When i restarted spanish a few weeks ago it was at 11.


Continuing with duolingo. 500 to 600 points for the week. I did 1600 plus when i first restarted the Golding process.

Did a few pages of a 'learning spanish through quiz' type book. Question in es, then en. Then answer in es then english. Good for question/answer aspects.

And videos - looks like a lot of history with elements of current culture. Festivals, maps, cheese making but mostly history.

How much do i understand?

Bits, speech is slow, clear with various speakers, but mostly male so far apart from one narrator. Not sure of regions.

Quite varied, farming and building now.

Almost all speech. I'm getting used to the spanish version of English words which are derived from Latin.

Nice scenery, old towns, castles.

Making me wonder about a tour of Northern Spain.

I will need to add in other learning, especially conversations, greetings. Questions from quiz books.
0 x
2018 Cebuano SuperChallenge 1 May 2018-Dec 2019
: 150 / 600 SC days:
: 6 / 1250 Read (aim daily 2000 words):
: 299 / 9000 Video (aim daily 15 minutes):

Green Belt
Posts: 421
Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2016 7:40 pm
Location: UK
Languages: English (N), Cebuano (basic spoken daily, best L2), Spanish (beginner, but can read), Esperanto (beginner and not maintained). Sometimes dabble with Dutch, Serbian, Slovak, Czech, German and Arabic.
Language Log: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5133&start=30
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Re: Whodathunkitz log Cebuano Spanish Esperanto

Postby Whodathunkitz » Thu Apr 06, 2017 11:57 am

Tuesday / Wednesday 5/6 April 2017


A few words here and there


Duolingo, few bits of videos, even tried some at work.

Duolingo annoys me! 17 out of 63 levels needing golding. Probably only a couple of words in each level, but seemingly even with the general learn icon (Android) - it does a whole level and not just the items that need refreshing across the app.

Well I can do 5-15 levels depending on time, but I find a huge number demotivating.

Ho hum, it's free, useful, so in that context, it's fine.
0 x
2018 Cebuano SuperChallenge 1 May 2018-Dec 2019
: 150 / 600 SC days:
: 6 / 1250 Read (aim daily 2000 words):
: 299 / 9000 Video (aim daily 15 minutes):

Green Belt
Posts: 421
Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2016 7:40 pm
Location: UK
Languages: English (N), Cebuano (basic spoken daily, best L2), Spanish (beginner, but can read), Esperanto (beginner and not maintained). Sometimes dabble with Dutch, Serbian, Slovak, Czech, German and Arabic.
Language Log: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5133&start=30
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Re: Whodathunkitz log Cebuano Spanish Esperanto

Postby Whodathunkitz » Mon Apr 17, 2017 6:23 pm

Monday 17th April 2017

Long time since last update.


Little bit of speaking with wife, child and others.

One or two people speak with me in Cebuano which is kind.


Mostly Duolingo.

Multiple waves of regolded, up to 25 levels a day.

Still gold. Last 2 days only 5 levels each day.

About 500 points a week.

400 points short of level 16 so might get there this week. 40 odd days of daily practice. I was level 11 when i restarted.

Lingvist - doing more when it's a light Duolingo day.

Lingvist 800 word variants done. Ie each form of a verb, m/f, singular/plural is different.

800 is supposed to be 65% of written spanish.

It has a graph. Adding another 200 words would be 70% it suggests. Then the graph flattens out.

A total of 3500 word variants in the app which it suggests would give 88% of written spanish.

Graph goes to 5000 for 92%. So as others have said, many thousands of words to 98% for comfortable reading. But probably ok at 75%, maybe lower depending on genre.

Some Spanish prosody but i need to do more. I have only 3 phrases on my phone but i think i did some more.

I haven't followed a course in Spanish but lots of app/input.

I kind of feel the answers rather than work it out. Not memorising verb tables.


Keep on top of duolingo but don't stress.
Lingvist a bit more.
More prosody.
Native videos. See if i can get videos with spanish dubbing. Buffy. Star Trek, friends etc. Also history, quizes etc on YouTube
3 week new testament challenge, mark, Luke and Matthew. Longer is harder to commit to/boring.
0 x
2018 Cebuano SuperChallenge 1 May 2018-Dec 2019
: 150 / 600 SC days:
: 6 / 1250 Read (aim daily 2000 words):
: 299 / 9000 Video (aim daily 15 minutes):

Green Belt
Posts: 421
Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2016 7:40 pm
Location: UK
Languages: English (N), Cebuano (basic spoken daily, best L2), Spanish (beginner, but can read), Esperanto (beginner and not maintained). Sometimes dabble with Dutch, Serbian, Slovak, Czech, German and Arabic.
Language Log: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5133&start=30
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Re: Whodathunkitz log Cebuano Spanish Esperanto

Postby Whodathunkitz » Fri Apr 21, 2017 3:16 pm

Tuesday 18th to Friday 21st April 2017


Not much


Duolingo. Bit. Mostly keeping on top.

Watched some Channel 4 (Walter Presents) Spanish Prison drama - 1 episode. Can't remote subtitles, so have to position chair in front!

Some LingVist - past 800 word-forms.

Little bit in the car.
0 x
2018 Cebuano SuperChallenge 1 May 2018-Dec 2019
: 150 / 600 SC days:
: 6 / 1250 Read (aim daily 2000 words):
: 299 / 9000 Video (aim daily 15 minutes):

Green Belt
Posts: 421
Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2016 7:40 pm
Location: UK
Languages: English (N), Cebuano (basic spoken daily, best L2), Spanish (beginner, but can read), Esperanto (beginner and not maintained). Sometimes dabble with Dutch, Serbian, Slovak, Czech, German and Arabic.
Language Log: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5133&start=30
x 324

Re: Whodathunkitz log Cebuano Spanish Esperanto

Postby Whodathunkitz » Mon Apr 24, 2017 1:07 pm



Little bit in the house. Kiddo has sometimes asked questions. He responds to my and his mum's Cebuano questions in English. Just simple, "why?" etc

Cebuano is more automatic than Spanish.


Keeping on top of gold in Duolingo. Came second in weekly team, I could have won, but all was gold and let someone else have it. Won all the other ones.

Not much else, but bits and pieces more automatic. Getting some interference from Cebuano. Cebuano is more automatic.
0 x
2018 Cebuano SuperChallenge 1 May 2018-Dec 2019
: 150 / 600 SC days:
: 6 / 1250 Read (aim daily 2000 words):
: 299 / 9000 Video (aim daily 15 minutes):

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