Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Sat Mar 16, 2024 7:17 am

I have not written about study activities in this thread for a couple of days for the simple reason that hasn't been any. I'm still revising my photos-and-travels registration system, and right now I'm two thirds through France and still lacks the Iberian Peninsula in the map section (there is still a section with sepate voyages waiting for me). And today is the day where 14 members of my travellers guild are supposed to come and eat and talk and listen to my speech about my first and so far only voyage to Madagascar (another one is soon to happen :) ). So I had not expected to write anything today either, but then I woke up from the most extreme foreign-language dream I have had for ages - and apart from a few words in English (OK, another foreign language, but...) it was totally in Romanian. So the rest of this message will be too.

RO: M-am trezit dintr-un vis minunat care a fost și lucid și în limba română. La începutul visului am pierdut cumva geanta, dar acum am uitat cum s-a întâmplat. Oricum, acum eram într-un tren spre București, aducând doar 5 plante în ghivece (!). De ce plante? Cred că e restul zilei. Ieri am descoperit că am avut doar 6 lingurițe identice, iar pentru invitații mei ar trebui să fie 14 lingurițe aproape identice. Am vizitat fără rezultat două supermarketuri, dar apoi am găsit lingurile într-un hipermarket. Din pacate avea și sectiune de gradina, asa că am venit si acasa cu trei rododendroni si câteva plante mici – pe care le-am plantat apoi ieri cu mare efort (fiind rododendronii plante de pamant acid).

OK, stăteam într-o zonă cu străzi înguste și magazine de tot felul (totuși nu cu o înfăţişare deosebit de românească). Am vrut să cumpăr mai întâi o pungă pentru cele cinci flori din ghivece. În magazin am început cu "am nevoie de o geantă mică pentru aceste plante” – dar mi-au arătat niște genți prea mari, și au ajuns să fie plasați în ceva care asemăna mai mult cu o plasă pentru cumpărături. Nu am fost pe deplin mulțumit de asta, dar a rezolvat problema acută. Următoarea mea problemă a fost că îmi pierdusem ghidul și harta (dar, din fericire, nu un bilet de tren dus-întors în buzunarul meu interior). Am căutat mai întâi o hartă și îmi amintesc că m-am gândit în vis dacă se numește hartă sau hartă. Am spus în mod explicit că ar trebui să poți vedea liniile de cale ferată pentru că am călătorit cu tren. Și după câteva discuții cu proprietarul (o doamnă prietenoasă mai în vârstă) am primit o hartă bună despre Română. Toate conversațiile au fost în limba română aproximativ corect (după părerea a mea) - deși am cerut de câteva ori un cuvânt în limba engleză.

Eram însă conștientă că acest vis merita să fie amintit, așa că m-am trezit și m-am gândit bine (altfel va fi uitat!), după care m-am repezit la computer să scriu asta - amânând astfel aspirarea și curățarea casei mea. Nu am ajuns niciodată să cumpăr un ghid...


EN: As mentioned above my digital remapping project goes on, and one result is that I am reminded of a lot of places which I have visited when photos were expensive so I just took maybe one per town and bought postcards for the rest . And now that irritates me because I would have taken a lot more in these days where I have a digital camera and have stopped getting them printed on paper, lowering the price to zero. But it is unfortunately unlikely then I ever can return to all those places to make amends - and take a lot of photos :lol:.
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby garyb » Sun Mar 17, 2024 11:17 am

Le Baron wrote:
garyb wrote:and Linux isn't suitable for my needs as much as I've tried.

What do you need that demands Windows? For me it was the ability to play some PC games. It's entirely possible on Linux, but the hoops you have to jump through are off-putting for many. Other than that there's nothing on Windows I couldn't do without.

Currently I'm using Zorin OS. It might the most user-friendly Linux and design-wise it is light years ahead of Windows and many other Linux distros. It's also running on a PC that is by no means new and it runs faster than my i7 machine with Windows.
Forgot to reply to this, sorry! I gave Linux (Nobara, a Fedora-based distro that's supposed to be optimised for gaming and general desktop use) a fair try last year. Around one in three of the games I've tried worked badly or not at all, even after trying different Proton versions and tweaks etc., and I figured that if I was going to have to boot into Windows sometimes I might as well just use it full-time. I also had issues with Zoom audio, video, and screen sharing, which came at a critical time when I had job interviews and needed it to work, and audio in general has always been an Achilles heel on Linux (although PipeWire is a huge improvement over everything that came before).

The desktop environments never convinced me either. Gnome feels slick at first but is quite broken under the surface, and gets a lot of hate in the open-source community for not fixing issues for years. For me the WiFi widget was dodgy and I had to log out and in again to connect to a new network. And I've just tried the latest version of Nobara which uses KDE instead, which is a broken mess as it always has been.

Your comment did encourage me to give it another shot though. The games I've been playing recently work; I don't need Zoom these days; and Windows 11 has disappointed me as I said. Maybe Zorin is worth a try if you say it's user-friendly: it looks like it has customisations to improve on the stock desktop environment, and is set up for gaming like Nobara. I know there's always the DIY route of using a minimal window manager and taskbar etc. rather than a full DE, but these days I'd rather have something that "just works".

Sorry for derailing the log!
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Mon Mar 18, 2024 8:19 am

I have worked with Windows in different versions since the mid 80's, and Unix/Linux has been there all the time - but I have not felt tempted to leave the homely turf of Windows despite occasional misgivings. Just as I have known that Chinese has been there all my life, but I haven't felt tempted to learn it.

This morning I woke up early, and I used that to finish my issue of the Francophone travel magazine Ulysse, and ...

GR: Ο Οδυσσέας μπορεί να μην είναι το καλύτερο είδωλο για τους ταξιδιώτες - και σίγουρα δεν να είναι κάποιος που θα επιθυμούσατε ως αρχηγός ομάδας περιηγήσεων! Πόσος καιρός χρειάστηκε να ταξιδέψει από την κατεστραμμένη Τροία στο νησί του την Ιθάκη, όπου η πιστή σύζυγός του περίμενε ήδη δέκα χρόνια για την επιστροφή του. Δεν ήταν δέκα χρόνια περισσότερα - συμπεριλαμβανομένων επτά χρόνια παρέα με μια πονηρή κυρία σε κάποιο άσχετο νησί; Το πλήρωμά του δεν ακολούθησε τη συμβουλή του, και κάθε ένας ανάμεσα τους πέθανε με έναν περισσότερο ή λιγότερο τρομερό τρόπο. Δεν θέλω κάποιον σαν αυτόν να είναι ο οδηγός μου.

FR: Le magazine français avait pour thème principal les chemins de fer japonais, et il y avait beaucoup de choses intéressantes à dire là - notamment sur le sujet du train à grande vitesse Shinkansen (le parallèle japonais du TGV). Les informations spécifiques sur les prix, réservations etc. sont probablement obsolètes, car le magazine date de 2009. Je sais qu'il existe (ou existait) une carte de train qui rendait économiquement raisonnable un aller-retour en train là-bas - mais j'ai aussi lu que le prix de cette carte a été considérablement augmenté depuis lors (mais à quel niveau?). Et d’ailleurs, je ne sais ni parler ni lire le japonais.

IT: Verso la fine della rivista c'era una piccola sorpresa inaspettata, vale a dire un articolo sulla città siciliana di Castelbuono, dove hanno sostituito i camion della spazzatura con asini! Nell'anno 2009 un camion costava 30.000 euro, un asino soltanto 700-1500 euro (razza locale per poterci parlare). Spese annuali (compreso il gasolio) 8000 euro per ogni camion, ma non più di 2000 euro per un asino. E l'asino poteva anche guadare nelle strade strette e ripide della città, il camion no. Però non so chi raccoglie la cacca dell'asino dalle strade.


EN: My current main time robber is of course the revision of my photo-postcard-travelogue system, where I have reached phase two: the photos from each voyage (and not all photos are filed under a specific voyage). The problem is that the Edge browser on my laptop doesn't respond sensibly to table cells with images that extend beyond the right screen border, whereas my antique Explorer just let the row continue without any wrapping. I could solve the problem for my old computer by using my late mother's screen, but on my laptop the writing would become microscopic if I raised the screen resolution to a level where all images would fit - so I decided to change the number of images per row to a level where everything fitted within the available pixels (1366). On the pages accessed from the clickable maps section I shuffled the images for each locality around so that they would fit, and it was a cumbersome and slow process - and I may have broken some neighbourhood borders during this process because I don't any longer remember all streetmaps in any major town I have ever visited.

For the voyage related section I have chosen another method, namely to reduce the size of the images (by search and replace in the html code). They were already smaller than in the map section because I have a secondary way to show them, namely as a pane with all the images from one day under each other shown as large as possibly - I introduced that opportunity to help my mother when her eye sight deteriorated, and therefore I can choose a smaller size (but still larger than thumbnails) for that part of the system. I therefore expect to get back to my language studies sooner than originally expected.

EDIT: ahem - yesterday evening I discovered that I had forgotten to update the part of the clickable-maps section of the system that pertains to my own country, Denmark. And since I have been there quite a lot and visited many places and taken thousands of pictures that will set me back at least one day. But I'm almost through the cleaning up after the club meeting Saturday, where I had 12 guest for dinner with a lecture (by me) about Madagascar, and the garden is just now waking up after winter so there won't be much need to spend my there.
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Thu Mar 21, 2024 5:59 pm

Iversen wrote:(...) the garden is just now waking up after winter so there won't be much need to spend my there.


I wrote that nonsense Monday, and already yesterday I bought 1 rhododendron (on top of the two I bought last week), 1 white Vinca (all the others in my garden are blue), two Skimmia japonica, four Kniphofia (rocket flowers), four Helenium that will flower in the autumn (I hope), four Heucheria with reddish leaves, four Paeonia lactiflora, 12 Viola cornuta (in addition to the 24 or so I bought a week ago), 12 strawberry plants (in addition to the 12 I planted last year) and four single and one potfull Saxifraga arendsii. So maybe it was slightly premature to assume that I could stay out of my garden indefinitely. I planted my acquisitions after I got home yesterday or this morning (before a visit from a company that checks my heating system once a year).

And on top of that I have my ongoing photo-and-voyages system revision project going on, where I have finished the cliquable maps section and reachws mid 2019 (from 2024) in the illustrated travelogue section. So guess how much netto study time I have had - not much! But I still have my nightly reading sessions to save my face, and last night I finished two old issues of the magazine "Esperanto" from 2023. My next text will be an issue of the Brazilian travel magazine "Terra" from 2002 with among other things 'trem da morte' (death train) from Bolivia, Indian saddhus and several glimpses of Noruega (Norway) as the main topic. And then I also have to find something to read on the internet about lemurs for my upcoming trip to Madagascar. I was there already in 2007, but couldn't find one single field guides about anything except one about whales, despite searching through three bookstores and one kiosk in a luxury hotel in Antananarivo. Time will tell whether I'll be more lucky next time...

RIght now I'm writing this rant while watching Norwegian snowy rescues, and in between I also run videos on Youtube - though only in languages I can understand with half my brain dedicated to the reshuffling of photos in my html based travelogue system.


PS: violae cornutae are supposed to return next year - you shouldn't expect that from ordinary pansies (at least not here in Denmark). That being said, I haven't seen those I planted last year pop up yet. But maybe I'm just too impatient. Maybe I should grow pretty weeds instead - like primroses or dandelions.
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Sat Mar 23, 2024 8:06 am

My actual study time has of course benn limited, but yesterday I participated in a meeting in my travellers' club. The location was around 120 km rom my house, and underway up there I visited three museums in the town Horsens - and I made two more 'museum drawings'. I have shown some of them here earlier, and the idea is that some museums try to activate its visitors (children in particular) by letting them do something creative themselves. Some do at all year round, others just during school hoildays. I have found that doing such a drawing in maybe an hour or so is a fine way to recapitulate the museum, but I don't collect the drawings so most are given to a member of the staff or a volunteer. But I do take a photo and then I get it printed in A5 size (half size) and put it on a wall in my house.

The first in the series yesterday was done with a normal pencil, so the contrast was minimal. There were also perment markers available (called "tus" from "tusch" in Danish), but I found that applying them all over would destroy the drawing, so I left it to a employee and then spruced it up at home on my computer. The problem is now that I have two versions, and I like them both.

The other drawing was made in the art museum with proper colour crayons so there I didn't have the same problem. I showed it to an employee who immediately asked me to sign it and add the word "gift" ("gave" in Danish) so I assume that it will be stored in a drawer somewhere rather than the paper bin. After all the word "drawer" has the same root as "drawin" so a drawer would be a fitting place to put it.

EO: Dum la renkontiĝo Esperanto estis menciita kaj mi devis diri kelkajn vortojn en la lingvo. Tamen unu el la aferoj sur la tablo estis memfarita prunkonfitaĵo, kaj mi simple ne povis memori kiel oni nomas "pruno" en Esperanto - *pflaumeo, *blommeo, *pruneo kaj *sliwko ĉiuj iel sonis malbone. Hejme mi serĉis ĝin kaj la vorto estas evidente "pruno". Sed la pozitiva rezulto de tiu ĉi ĝena katastrofo estis ke mi ekpensis Esperante hejmen kaj faris tion almenaŭ unu horon.


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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Sat Apr 13, 2024 4:32 pm

Several weeks have passed since the message above, and the reason is that I have spent two weeks on a group tour to Madagascar. Ok, some of the hotels had functioning wifi, but I don't like using the internet on a tiny phone, Actually I did need to use wikfi once: after I had booked my hotel night after my return to Copenhagen the travel company had extended the trip by one night. The one I had when I booked that noght and my train ticket back home had foreseen a trip by local air from Tulear to Antananarivo ('Tana') on the same day as the return trip to Europe, and they had realized that the local air traffic down there is too unreliable (as the rest of the country) to rely on everything working according to plan, so they had given us an extra night in Tana before the trip back. And I hadn't noticed that when I received the final travel plan - just that it looked sensible. And then I just packed my stuff in one piece and hand luggage and left home.

The group was Danish, but based on guiding and interaction with hotels and vendors in English. There are something like 18 tribes in Madagascar, each with each own language (or dialect). The group called Merina makes up something like 2/3 of the population, and it dominates the area around the capital so if you see a reference to the Malagassy language (Malgache in French) then read 'Merinese'. However many of the other languages or dialects are close enough to Malgache to be understood. And they are all of Austronesian origin because the majority of the tribes came from Indonesia or thereabouts. The interesting thing is that a large percentage of the population have African genes, and in some areas the tribes are definitely of African origin, but have switched to speaking Austronesian while still retaining certain African customs. The problem is that I don't understand any of those languages, but the leading colonial language is French so I followed my usual habit of speaking a local language (in this case French) to all local people, except when others in the group were supposed also to hear the answers. And I thought in French for most of the time when I was on my own (actually also when I was with the group and didn't have to listen). And I noticed how even the non-Francophone members of the group started to say things like "merci" and "bonjour" to the local people during the stay. But I was the only one who spoke it fluently, and some even preferred to have English lectures from the guides translated into Danish.

I have now a mammoth task ahead of me: I took more than 1100 photographs, which should be cut down to somewhere between 400 and 500. And I also have to make maps and write a travelogue with daily entries. However I did prepare for the task during the voyage, so maybe I'll be through the work sometime mid next week :D And of course I'll write more about the trip (in French) when I can illustrate it with photos, but now have to start working. Ahem, did I mention the garden?? Well, it will also claim some hours of work, and then I'll see whether I can squeeze in some study of other languages without relation to the Malagassy madness.

Mada trip 2024.jpg
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Tue Apr 16, 2024 6:32 am

As I wrote yesterday in the thread about runic sword inscriptions I had decided to read something from Wimmer as a goodnight treat, and so I did. Maybe I should first mention that "Oldnordisk Læsebog" by Ludwig F.A. Wimmer was first published in 1870, then reprinted in 1910, and my copy of the 10. edition is from 1967, so it is happily untouched by unnecessary concessions to gaming addicts or to modern pedagogical theories - it's just a simple collection of (normalized) texts with some comments plus a wordlist in the back that also quotes idioms and at least some inflected forms.

IC: Textinn sem ég valdi að lesa var sneið af Völsunge sögu frá eldri Eddu. Þar segist að Sigmundur Völsungur hafi verið konungur í Frakklandi (landi Franka) og átti hann þrjá syni: Sinfjötla, Helgi og Hämundr. Kona hans hét Borghildur og kom (kannski) frá Danmörku. Sinfjötli myrti bróðrin hennar og þess vegna Borghildur fyrirgaf honum með hornfylli af eitruðu öli. Þá kvæntist Sigmundur Hjördísi í staðinn og átti Sigurð son sinn - síðar kallað orm-í-auga eða Fafnersbani því hann drap drekann Fafner og stal gulli hans. Og da kom Richard Wagner og stal öllum hasarnum fyrir fjórfalda hringa monsteróperuna sína (Sigurd -> Siegfried) - og bætti við skvettu af Rínargull frá Nibelungenlied. En það er áhugavert smáatriði um sverð: Sigmundur lyfti sverð sem heiti Gram upp úr steini, og það brotnaði, en var smíðað aftur af ofursmiðnum Regin, fósturfaðir Sigurðar (og því smáatriði stal Tolkien fyrir hringasöguna sín), og þá sló Sigurðurhann alla Hunding-sonina með töfrasverðinu.

Og Snorri (sem orti eiðinn) notar hér sögnina "höggva" fyrir þess að drepa fólk með sverði. Svo Andyfed83 getur líka gert það.

EN: I'll write about Madagascar later today or tomorrow - I'm at the thether of my travelogue producing frenzy now, and I have cut the number of surviving photos down from more than 1200 to exactly 400 (plus two postcards), but still need to write down what I actually spent my time doing down there.

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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Thu Apr 18, 2024 9:32 am

Time to honour my pledge (or threat) to wrote a few words in French about my recent trip to Madagascar:

FR: J'avait déjà visité cette île une fois, en 2006, et mon voyage alors était organisé par moi-même avec l'aide d'un bureau de transportation malgache, Madabus. Mais the parcours était relativement simple: minibus jusqu'à Tomamasina sur le côte Est, de la par bateau a Bush House dans la solitude à l'un des lacs sur lt canal de Pangalanes, de là a Brickaville et Andasibé, et finalement retour à Antananarivo (avec minibus local de Moramanga parce-que c'est plus bon-marché). J'ai vu que même les routes les plus importantes du pays étaient étroites et pleines de trous, et que le transport publique généralement est tout à ait insuffisante.

Quand en 2023 j'ai décidé de faire une visite de plus j'ai åar conséquent exclu la possibilité de le faire 1) avec les minibus locaux qui sont surpeuplé et ne vont là où j'aurai voulu aller, 2) dans une voiture louée, ce qui auraient me laissé dans un état de panne mentale totale. J'ai alors lu tous les plans publié par les agence de voyage pour Malgache - un nombre assez resteint d'ailleurs. Celui qui m'a convenu le plus était celui d'une compagnie nommée Stjernegaard, que j'avait déjà utilisée pour mon voyage à une vitesse vertigineuse à travers l'Inde du sud en 2020 - et j'aime bien ce type de voyage. L'idée de me placer sur un siege d'un café-terrasse et regarder le monde passer devant moi me semble et dégoûtant et ennuyeux. Hélas, le voyage dans l'automne 2023 était épuise quand je m'avait finalement décidé, et alors j'ai acheté son homologue de mars-avril 2024. Et cela n'était pas bon-marché du tout :shock: , mais il faut parfois dépenser un peu de l'argent pour s'amuser.

Bon ben, j'ai parti de Copenhague à Charles de Gaulle, et de là 10½ heures dans un avoin où le poulet était fini et on à servi quelque chose nommé ratatouille qui ressemblait plutôt à la diarrhée d'un végan - j'ai préféré risquer mourir de faim que de manger cette abomination. Nous sommes donc arrivé à l'hôtel Combava à mi-chemin entre l'aéroport et centre-ville Tana (mêmes les indigènes pensent que le nom Antananarivo est trop long!) vers 2 heures dans la nuit, et le jour après nous sommes partis à 7:30 vers l'est.

En chemin, nous avons visité une collection bien équipée privée de caméléons, mais notre destination finale était un complexe nommé Vacôna, et d'abord nous avons visité l'île des lëmuriens - malgré la pluie. Il faut y aller par kayak, mais j'ai survécu l'épreuve sous ma parapluie, et il y avait en effet des lémurs là - Fulvus fulvus ('lémur brun') et Varecia variegata (maki noir et blanc) et quelques sifakas trop lointains pour être photographiés. Le Vacôna se trouve au nord du parc national Andasibé, que j'avais déjà visité avec seulement moi et une guide en 2006, mais maintenant nous en groupe (quoique divisé en deux), et on n'a vu que la moitié des animaux que moi et ma guide ont observés en 2006. La pluie avait cessé, mais les pistes était trempés, et donc il fallait regarder devant soi sauf dans les arrrêts - et il n'y avait pas assez d'arrêts.


Après Andasibé nous sommes retournés au Combava, et le lendemain on ét allé vers le sud, vers la ville d'Antsirabe. Et comme toujours dans les voyage en groupe il fallait visiter quelques artisaneries et marchés et restaurants, mais puisque la culture Malgache est si loin de celles d'EUrope il y avait normalement quelque chose d'interessant d'observer. Le pire pendant certain tours en groupe est quand il faut pedre deux heures a visitrer un lieu quelconque ou un restaurant isolé est médiocre parce-que le lieu est si peu engageant que le propritétaires ont choisi de soudoyer les organisateurs de voyages pour qu'on s'arrête là. Mais généralement ce n'était pas le cas pendant ce tour - les restaurants étaient OK et les marchés valaient bien une visite. Et on a arreté souvent aux stations-service avec mini-supermarchés où je pouvait acheter du lait au goût fraise ou vanille ou des jus exotiques. L'homme ne vit pas de cola seulement, mais .... ahem, la cola. Les Malgaches ont eu des controverses avec le groupe Coca Cola aux Etats-Unis (apparemment ils ne payaient pas leur frais de licence), et pour cela la cola qu'on boit partout aujourd'hui à Malgache est 'World Cola' - sans licence, mais le goût est presque le même.


Aprés Antsirabe on est allé vers Ranomafana, où il y aussi un parc national. On est arrivé vers huit heures le soir, non seulement parce que la route était dans un état lamentable, mais aussi parce que'elle était pleine à raz-le-bol avec des personnes qui célébraient le Lundi de Pâques.

Et vers Ranomafana la pluie a recommencé. L'île de Mada est divisée en deux par les montagnes. Le vents viennent surtout de l'est, et la pluie tombe par conséquent surtout dans la moitié orientale. La partie occidentale est beaucoup plus seche (on y arrivera plus tard). Le Parc National de Ranomafana est toujours trempé, et cette fois la pluie n'a pas cessé de tomber - seulement pour faciliter la visite d'un groupe quelconque. Mais j'ai eu un peu de chance: on a divisé le groupe en trois, et dans mon groupe - ceux qui aimeraient regarder des oiseaux - il ne restait que moi. Les autres sont restés à l'hôtel. Le reste des participants ont préféré le trajet ordinaire, lurés par la promesse de voir des lémuriens. Mais même avec un guide ornitologue privé à ma disposition on à vu très peu d'oiseux dans le parc. Après avoir atteint le point le plus haut et vu presque rien j'ai donc proposé à mon guide qu'on retourne au point de départ - et oh! miracle, soudainement la pluie a cessé, et on a vu un tas d'oiseaux le long de la route asphalté. Il faut d'ailleurs mentionner que la nature sur l'île est réduite à quelques rares enclaves, et généralement on ne voit pas beaucoup d'oiseux même là. En effet, je vois plus d'oiseaux dans mon jardin au Danemark pendant deux semaines que j'ai vu pendant tout mon voyage a Mada.


Bon ben, on est continué a Manakare à la côte est de l'île, et notre hotel se trouvait tout près de l'Océan Indienne. Et la pluie avait cessé :D, mais la region était déjà partiellement submergée. L'idée était maintenant qu'on aille en deux bateaux avec 5-6 timôniers chacun d'abord quelques kilomètres vers le nord sur le Canal des Pangalanes (construit sous l'occupation française) - pas de problme - et après à contre-courant sur le fleuve - ce qui prouvait d'être une idée assez mal conçue parce que le courant était pire que normalment à cause des inondations. L'autre bateau a seulement pu passer un pont à l'aide d'un ts d'hommes locaux dans l'eau, et dans mon bateau on a simplement déclaré une mutinerie et refusé de continuer. On est retourne à notre autobus, et les timôniers ont alors pu franchir les flots du fleuve dans le bateau vide pour notre prochaine destination - ou plutôt destinations, parce-que il fallait visiter un lieu où l'on produit des 'huiles essentielles' à la base de herbes et aussi un lieu où l'on produit (et vends!) de la vanille et une cimétière chinoise. Mais on a dejeuné au bord del la mer - pas si mal que ça!

F6722b01_déjeuner (vivaneaux, langoustes, frites).jpg

Pour accéder au côte ouest de l'île par des chemains asphaltés il faut retourner a Ranomafana et tourer à gauche vers la ville Fianarantsoa, qui a un million d'habitant (contre trois à Tana). Mais la route qui relie les deux villes les plus grandes dans le pays est à peine assez large pour permettre le croisement d'un bus et d'un camion et est (évidemment) plein de nids-de-poule. Notre hôtel à Fianarantsoa était le seul qui se trouvait au plein centre d'une ville, et son voisin était en effet le célèbre marché de vendredi...


.. mais dès lors on est allé vers le sud-ouest à travers un paysage de plus en plus plat et de plus en plus sec. Mais pas tout à fait plat: il y a le Parc National d'Isalo, qui se trouve sur et autour d'une longue crête de montagne. Bon ben, pas si haut que ça mais assez pour que l'agence de voyage a prévenu les participants que ceci pourrait devenir la visite la plus fatigante du voyage. En effet c'était un effort surmontable, et surtout il n'y avait pas la pluie incessante de Ranomafana à nous traumatiser. On a aussi visité un coopératif qui gère un parc privé avec des Lémur catta, et ils étaient suffisamment habitué aux gens pour qu'on puisse en faire de bonnes photos.


Et finalement on est arrivé à la côte ouest où nous avons passé deux nuits dans un resort appelé Nautilus. Et à mon grand étonnement j'ai vu ici plus d'oiseaux que partout ailleurs à Mada, y compris dans les parcs nationaux. On a visité un parc privé avec des baobab de toutes tailles et un village de pêcheurs, et très tot le deuxième matin on est allé par avion a Tana pour une dernière nuit sur la Combava. En effet cela n'était prévu quand j'ai acheté le voyage, mais à court terme avant le départ l'agence avait ajouté une dernière nuit à Tana, simplement parce que on l'a jugé trop hasardeux de compter sur la précision de la compagnie aérienne malgache. Il est normal qu'elle change le horaire juste avant le départ (même quand les voyageurs déjà sont dans les aéroports), et parfois on supprime un vol simplement parce que la compagnie n'a pas assez d'avions pour couvrir toute l'île, Cette fois tout est pourtant allé bien, ce qui permettait qu'on visite deux châteaux royaux. Le premier, le 'château de la reine' a brulé le 6 novembre 1995 et fut toujours une ruine durant ma première visite, mais depuis lors il a été reconstitué. L'autre chateau, celui d'été, se trouve 24 km hors Tana, et n'a pas été incendié. Là vivait le roi qui a unifié le pays et la reine qui l'a succédé - et qui n'aimait pas du tout les européens avec une seule exception: un certain monsieur Laborde (lequel elle aimait passionnément). Les royaux suivants ont vecu à Tana, jusqu'à ce que les français ont déporté la troisième et dernière reine en 1897, d'abord à Réunion, puis à Algiers.

Et du moins la compagnie aérienne qui nous a mené à Charles de Gaulle a servi à nous les passagers non végétariens quelque chose qui vale la peine d'ouvrir la bouche: du zébou!
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Black Belt - 2nd Dan
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby DaveAgain » Thu Apr 18, 2024 1:02 pm

Iversen wrote: Là vivait le roi qui a unifié le pays et la reine qui l'a succédé - et qui n'aimait pas du tout les européens avec une seule exception: un certain monsieur Laborde.
La Reine Ranavalona? Elle a aimé au moins un autre européen, le grand héros britannique, Harry Flashman. :-)
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Thu Apr 18, 2024 5:27 pm

.. mais monsieur Laborde a vraiment existé, comme d'ailleurs aussi la reine.
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